Thursday, February 26, 2009


DNA is committed to promoting a sustainable environment both at home and at the office. Here are a few tips you can do to get started in making your office a “greener” place.

  • Switch to recycled printing and copy paper
  • Use refillable ink cartridges for printers
  • Print on both sides of the page
  • Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs – saves energy and money
  • Make sure lights, computers and other electronics are turned off or put on sleep mode when not in use
  • Get recycle bins – paper, cardboard, cans and plastic bottles
  • Use recycled bathroom products
  • Cut back on your commute – carpool, telecommute, create net meetings with consultants and clients, bike, walk or take public transportation
  • Make a pact with other employees – pack a lunch using reusable containers
  • With your email signature put a simple sentence asking people not to print your email unless necessary
  • Make your office as paperless as possible – send newsletters and memos through email and avoid printing unnecessary documents or information
  • Use a programmable thermostat
  • Use a water cooler, rather than everyone using water bottles

Every little bit helps and these simple steps can make a big impact on our environment!

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