Friday, June 19, 2009

DNA Designs Demonstration Garden for SAWPA

In May DNA was contacted by Santa Ana Water Project Authority to design a Demonstration Garden for an existing turf area next to their office in Riverside. With the current water crisis, they thought replacing that water thirsty turf with a garden that demonstrated California native low water use plantings and various irrigation methods would be more in keeping with their philosophy on conservation of our precious resource. Below is a link to the information regarding the garden. Patti Bonawitz from SAWPA, who is a Master Gardener herself, had a very clear, fun vision for the garden themes. She worked with our design team; Shane Preston (see sketch above), Bryan Love and myself to implement her vision. Many thanks to John Crossley at Toro, Anita Matlock at Rainbird and Brian Nattall at Green Meadows has truly been a collaborative effort on everyone's part and we are very proud to be part of the team.

The link to the SAWPA web site and news about the garden is