Thursday, November 6, 2008


I stopped my car and took this picture at Sunset Cliffs in Point Loma... unbelievable!
Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 6, 2008

Green Posers (Part 3 of 3)

Artificial Turf Materials
Where does it come from and how is it made? Ironically, you will hear the artificial turf industry talk about the gas and oil it takes to mow natural turf. Never mind that studies have shown that one acre of natural turf absorbs 4 times the amount of carbon that is produced from the mowers that keep the grass healthy and to a playable height, but the entire artificial turf product is essentially a petroleum product. There is nothing natural about it! It uses the very fossil fuels in its production that it boasts of saving vis a vis the recycling of tires! Research has shown that with manufacturing, installation, servicing and eventual disposal of a 2 acre artificial turf field produces 55.6 tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The carbon footprint of this is staggering. Add to this the loss of benefits that natural turf provides to the environment and you can easily do the math. The industry hangs their environmental hat on the fact that old tires are ground up to produce the turf infill thus recycling an otherwise difficult material to dispose of. An article boasting of this fact stated that 27,000 old tires are recycled for an average soccer field. Now where do those tires come from? How do they get to the grinding facility? How much energy and what type of energy is used to grind the tires? What kinds of fumes are expelled during the grinding process? How are the grindings transported to the turf companies or sites? What is the carbon footprint of this process? I mean the tires don’t just roll on down the road looking for a recycling plant, do they? I have this image of about 27,000 old tires of different size rolling through a prairie being herded by some old cowboys. Rollin, rollin, rollin…keep those tires rollin, Rawhide! Suddenly the “tire herd” is startled. They were spooked by a band of rusty old nails headed to another recycling plant and stampede a local town. The entire town is covered in tire marks! What a disaster! Artificial turf…is an environmental disaster.
The jury is still out on this subject also. I can only imagine how much water is needed to produce the polyethylene filaments, backing and other components of artificial turf. I am doing that research also. Aside from that, the artificial turf my daughter plays on requires water to cool it down and wash off sweat, dust and bacteria before the game starts and during half time. Not all artificial turf employs this maintenance regime which begs the question of how this is accomplished on these other fields…and what kinds of cumulative health problems are being created there? I digress again… The irrigation heads they use at the Berkley field are water cannons. There are six of them shooting out an amazing amount of water. Similar Rainbird irrigation heads with a 1.38” nozzle size can push out 150 gallons of water per minute. With 6 of them running at once that is 900 gallons of water per minute for 7 minutes or 6,300 gallons water. Multiply that by 2 for the beginning of the game and half time shower and there are 12,600 gallons of potable water being used on the artificial turf. (That is significantly more water than natural turf would require in the same day and…the water would not need to be potable, but reclaimed or grey water instead.) The fields are watered to reduce temperatures and rinse off the sweat, dust and other bodily fluids. At a later writing I will make a comparison of the amount of water needed and type of water needed…and I stress the word needed, to maintain a playable natural turf, compared to the amount of water that needs to be put down on artificial turf for maintenance and antiseptic chemicals to alleviate health concerns.
Artificial turf is green in color and garners the artificial turf industry lots of green money, but it is NOT environmentally green. It slyly hangs it environmental hat on tire recycling, water savings and the carbon footprint of maintenance, however each of these so called benefits are far outweighed by the heat island effect they contribute to, health hazards and the positive effects that it erases when the potential for natural turf is removed from the same area. The fact is with proper turf management natural turf will outperform artificial turf in terms of its carbon footprint hands down. New technologies in irrigation controllers, reclaimed water use, drought tolerant grass species, turf management and soil management provide an environmentally sound solution to the growing demand for healthy playing surfaces that our children can enjoy. If the concern is Global Warming and preventing the output of those gases that contribute to the problem; then artificial turf is an offender and natural turf is the answer. There is no doubt that there are needs for more playing fields for our children however artificial turf is not the answer.
Like artificial turf, there are lots of green products and services that are flooding the market. Not all of them are environmentally green. Do the research, ask questions and make informed decisions. The green movement is coming at a great time and thankfully the informed and concerned public is demanding these environmentally sound products and services. Our environment is in dire need of this new paradigm shift to land stewardship. Buyer and land steward beware!
I have included some links to other sources of information on the subject.
Hazardous Chemicals in Synthetic Turf
The Myth of Rubberized Landscapes
Serious Questions About New-Generation Artificial Turf That Require Answers

Monday, September 29, 2008

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Temecula October 19th

Suzanne Palmer, RLA and Principal at DNA is teaming up with Eastern Municipal Water District to raise money for finding a cure for cancer. She has pledged to raise $500.00 of the $6,000.00 Team EMWD has committed to raise from donations. DNA has committed to support Suzanne and we are asking that you join us. I know times are tough but it is worthy organizations like these that suffer the most from poor economies and need us to dig deep. Let's help Suzanne and Team EMWD reach their goal!!! The following is a message from Suzanne..

Hey Everyone,
This year I am running again in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Temecula and for the first time I am doing some fundraising. I know everyone’s budget is more than tight right now, but this is a very worthy cause and I am asking for your help. Any size donation will help! Please pass this along to your friends and family to help support this important effort to find the cure for Cancer. The web site is awesome and full of great information on supporting this cause. My personal web page is linked below along with a donation request letter.

Thanks to you all!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Green Posers (Part 2 of 3...continued from below blog)

The Environmental Disaster of Artificial Turf

So let’s look at what makes artificial turf such an enemy of the environment and health. Although not scientific in terms of laboratory research I have been an observer of artificial turf and its positive and negative attributes for many years. My personal observation comes from having 3 athletic children. My oldest son is 23 and he played division 1 baseball at Santa Clara University in Northern California. My daughter has played field hockey for the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California and it is in her last season there. My youngest son plays football and is a senior at Torrey Pines High School in Del Mar, California. They all played club soccer when they were younger and during their collective sports careers they have played on numerous artificial turf fields. I can tell you that my daughter loves playing on the surface because the ball plays much truer with less bad bounces. My sons would say the same about their sports. There is no doubt that there is an advantage from a playability standpoint. However they are also quick to say that more often than not in the spring to fall seasons the temperatures of the field can be extremely uncomfortable. They have received scrapes and burns from the synthetic strands of turf and it is generally a hard and unforgiving surface to fall on. The ground up tire flies in their eyes, sticking to their skin and hair. It is ingested and inhaled and there is no reasonable person on this earth that can say it could possibly be good for you. There are 60 known chemicals, toxins and carcinogens in rubber tires! Can you really debate the health issue?!?

Heating Up

As a spectator, standing on the field I have noticed the temperature increase by comparison to the surrounding environment. When I would arrive at my daughters away games at Berkley the temperature was a moderate 75 degrees and comfortable, yet on the artificial grass as I am watching the game I am perspiring. Why?
Recently, an article published from findings that the City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation released; they found the artificial turf temperatures were 8 degrees higher than adjacent asphalt and 39 degrees higher than natural turf. The artificial turf was 37 degrees higher than the ambient temperature of the surrounding area. On the hottest day of the year at a New York City park the synthetic turf was 86.5 degrees hotter than natural grass. The article went on to site similar results from researchers at Penn State.
My unscientific personal observations confirmed this research when I was watching my son work with his quarterback coach on a day in July at the Torrey Pines High School artificial turf football field. Torrey Pines High School is about a half mile from the Pacific Ocean. The stadium is sunken and not oriented to receive cooling breezes, but still, this is the coast. It was a warm enough day that I decided to wear shorts, shirt and flip flops…how So Cal of me! As I stood there watching Matt, I thought I would kick off my sandals and roll my toes in the “turf”. OUCH! It was like standing on an asphalt parking lot! Again, keep in mind this is the coast, not inland. His team practices on the natural turf field in August during “Hell Week” because of the unbearable heat of the artificial turf during that month. Ironic isn’t it?!!

Heat Island effect

Heat Island Effect is a phenomenon that occurs in the cities. It is primarily an urban effect due to the built environment; such as dark colored roof materials, asphalt and other dark colored impervious surfaces. These materials absorb the suns light and give off heat as a byproduct. That heat accumulates over the built environment and increases the ambient temperatures by varying amounts depending on the region. This same article referenced above recorded average temperature increases of 7 degrees during the hot summer months in New York.
Infrared Satellite imagery shows differences in surface temperatures relative to the amount of heat that they give off. A dramatic photo showed the same color/heat emanating from an artificial turf field right next to an asphalt play area. In other words, artificial turf reflects the same amount of heat as artificial turf thus contributing to the heat island effect. In effect; installing artificial turf is the same as laying down asphalt pavement in terms of the heat island effect.
The proven mitigation for the heat island effect is the planting of trees, shrubs and natural turf. This lowers the ambient temperatures, the plants absorb greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, and they give off oxygen as their byproduct while filtering water and air pollutants. It doesn’t take a researcher from Harvard to tell me that replacing acres of natural turf with artificial turf has a negative effect on the environment while decreasing the positive environmental effects of natural turf at the same time.

More Later

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Green Posers (Part 1 of 3)

Business has figured out that there is green in going green. There are a plethora of new products and services that have flooded the market with a desire to capitalize on the new environmentally conscience public. In a lot of cases these products and services represent the best of what industry and technology has to offer. They are sincere in their efforts and offer a win: win to the public. The public gets an environmentally sensitive product and the company gets profits. However, there are posers; those companies/industries that are focused on the color of money green and will put the public and the environment at risk regardless. The Artificial Turf Industry is a very good example of this frightening aspect of the green movement. Their product couldn’t be farther from being green, yet it is being marketed and accepted by many as being ecologically beneficial. But, in fact every square foot of this product that is installed outdoors and exposed to sunlight is an environmental time bomb; more on that later.

Win: Win or Win: Lose Green Economics
General Electric grossed 10 Billion dollars last year in their Eco-Imagination product line alone and they are projecting 20 Billion in 2010. They had previously committed 1.5 billion dollars in research for green products. Why? Because there is Green in going Green…and they can feel good about it too! What a concept! Make money hand over fist and create a better environment. Talk about Win, Win! They have done the research and produced products that save on energy and are produced with environmentally sound practices.
General Electric is not the only one that has rushed to market with green products and services. Many have rushed to market hawking their green products and services because they have found that the public is anxious to find and use them. In fact the public is not only anxious to use these products, they are demanding them. The public is saying “go green or go home” and the corporate world is responding. The reasons for this are pretty self explanatory really and not the point of this article. The point of this article is while there is “Green in going Green” some goods and services coming to market are only one color green…and that is the color of money and profit. They provide no green environmental benefit to the public, no environmental fix but they are instead, cleverly disguised ways to profit from a public that is ardent in their desire to be better stewards of the environment. This is Win: Lose green economics.

Artificial Turf
Astro Turf, born in the 1960’s has changed over the years. Primarily developed for indoor use, the natural grass replacement made sense in areas where grass could not be grown successfully. Today the lure to expand the use is greater for the green imposter because of, the scarcity of water, dwindling school and municipal maintenance budgets and an admittedly better more “natural” looking product. Additionally, private homeowners are experiencing increasing demands on their time and decreased interest in spending hours a week of maintenance, not to mention water costs and drought concerns. But with the Green Movement” further motivation is provided to be environmentally sensitive. The “green” lure may be enough for some very well meaning people to spend the money to install the natural grass replacement. Truth be known, as a landscape architect, I have specified a private putting green for a homeowner that would allow refinement of their short game. However, we used natural sand as a base and instead of ground up tires, as is common to the artificial turf industry; we used very fine sand as a topping. This gave my client an all weather surface to practice their putting without employing a golf superintendant for the onerous and expensive maintenance regime. It was a good, small scale, solution. I digress a bit here, but it is only to say that there are some uses for this product in limited areas, primarily indoors and without rubber tires infill.

More on this Later

Friday, August 29, 2008

Best Practices in Sustainable Development: How Southern California's Wine Country is Leading the Way

On Thursday, September 18th 2008 Urban Land Institute will be conducting a Panel Discussion on Sustainability and the Wine Country. The event will take place in the beautiful wine country at Wiens Family Cellars immediately following the Economic Development Conference at Pechanga Resort. We have put an exciting panel of sustainability and green building experts along with major stakeholders in the Southern California Wine Country. The Panel includes County of Riverside Planning Commissioner John Petty, developer Denis Ferguson, WLC Architects George Wiens, AIA, Nick Palumbo, viticulturist, enologist owner of Palumbo Family Vineyards and Dr. Peter Sherman from the University of Redlands. David Neault ASLA of David Neault Associates, Inc. will be the moderator.

Join your colleagues for an in-depth panel discussion on how to utilize cost-effective sustainable development and Best Practices to create successful master-planned communities, resorts and Wineries in the fast-growing Southern California Wine Country. At this program you'll learn how public and private enterprises are tackling the questions of sustainability that include green practices, economic viability and place making in one of the most environmentally sensitive regions of Southern California.

A panel of leading-edge professionals from government, education, viticulture, development and architecture will discuss these topics and more. Bring your thoughts and questions to create a lively round table discussion about the future of this important region.
The program will begin at 3:30 and will be followed by a networking reception and appetizers. You may also enjoy a complimentary wine tasting sponsored by Wiens Family Cellars.

This dynamic program will include information about:

  • The status of current developments in the Temecula Valley wine region.

  • The County's vision for future development details about sustainable development practices

  • The role of architecture in sustainable design

  • The winemaking industry's position on development

  • Traffic issues: Alternatives to car dependence

  • Infrastructure concerns and possibilities

  • Energy concerns and possibilities

  • The vital economics of the region

Questions or sign-up at (800) 321-5011 or online at passcode 81230979

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Diversity Creates Success

Driven by the collaborative fusion of talents, education, backgrounds and well-rounded experiences in architecture, planning and civil engineering, our diverse team works to design and create successful landscape solutions for a myriad of projects.

Our portfolio of work includes residential master-planned communities, golf courses, hotels and resorts, theme parks, commercial/industrial and retail centers, municipalities, hospitals, educational campuses, public parks, design guidelines and more.

Through the combination of our varied professional backgrounds and our state-of-the art technology we are able to provide sustainable and functional landscape plans that are beautiful and pragmatic solutions for our clients.

Sustainable Solutions for Lasting Value

Spearheaded by the continued focus and efforts of our Principals David Neault and Suzanne Palmer, our team is committed to promoting sustainable practices by engaging timeless landscape architectural design axioms with cutting-edge technology to create unique and innovative design solutions.

We integrate the landscape of humanity and nature for the benefit of both. Carefully, we guard the delicate balance of the land’s natural state through artistic and site-specific solutions, artistic conceptual sketches, photo realistic imagery, and construction documents that embrace both the natural and cultural environs.

This leads to a finished product that can be sustained for generations to come.


Our work reflects our passion to integrate people and places. We capitalize on our inclusion of strategic partnerships and collaborative culture to produce signature results that we are proud of.

In the pursuit of the best solutions, we engage timeless landscape architectural design axioms with state of the art technology into the creative process. We guard the delicate balance between the project's initial raw state through conceptual sketches and construction documents to a finished product that can be sustained.

We not only understand the process, we embrace and plan for it.

Creating Unique and Inspirational Places

For over 20 years, the principals of David Neault Associates have been creating unique outdoor living spaces designed to make statements in landscape architecture that will stand the test of time.

Our focus has always been to provide our clients with a creative, yet pragmatic approach - combining vision, imagination, attention to detail and an understanding of the overall project goals.

We strive to provide a landscape architectural solution that creates an inspiring “sense of place.”
A place that invites people to create their own life long memories within the beauty of their surroundings and the comfort of the natural environment.

As a professional firm devoted to the building, development and landscape architecture industries, David Neault Associates, Inc. is a proud member of
Urban Land Institute
National Association of Home Builders
American Society of Landscape Architects
Building Industry Association
U.S. Green Building Council